Susan Langer |
US philosopher |
(1895-1985) |
R. D. Laing |
Scottish psychologist |
(1927-1989) |
Bruce Laingen |
US hostage in Iran |
(1922-) |
Louis L’Amour |
US novelist |
(1908-1988) |
Edwin Land |
US inventor/businessman
(Polaroid camera) |
(1909-1991) |
Philip Larkin |
UK poet |
(1922-1985) |
Doug Larson |
Andy Law |
UK Advertising executive
(St. Luke’s) |
D. H. Lawrence |
UK novelist |
(1885–1930) |
T. E. Lawrence |
UK soldier/writer |
(1888–1935) |
Stanislaw Lec |
(1909-1996) |
William D. Leahy |
US admiral |
(1875-1959) |
John Le Carré |
UK author |
(1931-) |
Ursula LeGuin |
US author |
(1929-) |
Rosamund Lehmann |
UK author |
(1901-1990) |
John Lennon |
UK rock musician |
(1940–1980) |
Rita Levi-Montalcini |
Italian neurobiologist (Nobel medicine prize, 1986) |
(1909-) |
Claude Levi-Strauss |
French anthropologist |
(1908-) |
Theodore Levitt |
US management author |
(1928-) |
George Henry Lewes |
UK writer |
(1817-1878) |
Kurt Lewin |
Polish psychologist |
(1890-1947) |
Roger Lewin |
US science journalist |
C. S. Lewis |
UK academic and writer
(1898–1963) |
Georg C. Lichtenberg |
German physicist and
writer |
(1742–1799) |
Charles Lindberg |
US pilot, inventor,
author |
(1902-1974) |
Walter J. Lippmann |
US Journalist |
(1889-1974) |
Titus Livius |
David Lloyd-George |
UK statesman and Prime Minister |
(1863-1945) |
John Locke |
UK philosopher |
(1632–1704) |
Vincent Lombardi |
US football coach |
(1913-1970) |
Jack London |
US novelist |
(1876–1916) |
Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow |
US poet |
(1807–1882) |
Sophia Loren |
Italian actress |
(1934-) |
Konrad Lorenz |
Austrian zoologist |
(1903-1989) |
H. P. Lovecraft |
US poet |
(1890-1937) |
James Lovelock |
UK scientist |
(1919-) |
James Russell Lowell |
US poet and diplomat |
(1819-1891) |
Abraham Lincoln |
US statesman |
(1809–1865) |
Walter Lippmann |
American editor/author |
(1889-1974) |
David Livingston |
Scottish explorer |
(1813-1873) |
John Locke |
English philosopher |
(1632-1704) |
Lenox Riley Lohr |
Former CEO, NBC |
Scott Love |
US explorer |
(1803-1873) |
Sir John Lubbock |
UK baron / essayist |
(1834-1913) |
George Lucas |
US movie-maker |
(1944-) |
Lucretius |
Roman philosopher |
(99–55 BC) |
Martin Luther |
German priest/scholar |
(1483-1546) |
Robert Lynd |
Irish essayist and critic
(1879–1949) |